Environmental Footprint Calculations

Quantify the environmental impact of your products across the entire life cycle, from the raw material extraction phase right through to the final distribution stages. Our system is built to help maximize efficiencies and make the process customisable to your products, your suppliers and geographic areas of operation. We consider everything from carbon emissions to water usage, fuel consumption and other outputs to derive a rating system for footprints that can inform decision-making that will increase performance, impact and data reliability.


Keep on track with measuring your impact

The fashion industry is fast-paced and ever-evolving, and with that comes the emergence of trends and the frequent introduction of new collections. Quantifying the LCA and impact of multiple product iterations and new items can often be time-consuming and resource intensive. Through our extensive work with brands, we understand that there can be the worry that this mountain of data to collect and verify can become overwhelming, especially if the right systems and processes are not in place.

That’s why the Green Story platform has been built to calculate the environmental footprint of a product instantly, at every stage of the life cycle to empower your sourcing decisions and remove wait time.


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With the Green Story platform, you can receive your environmental footprint results in seconds and in an actionable format to reduce time spent on calculations.

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Our individual stage and supplier-level footprint assessments facilitate smarter and more efficient sourcing decisions. They enable you to review impacts and highlight where better sourcing can be made.

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The platform’s instant assessments enable you to test the impact of planned collections. This can inform which suppliers to choose and can help avoid costly mistakes related to contract costs or the consequences of selecting suppliers who have a higher environmental footprint.

How it works


Using a variety of metrics, our system calculates a footprint at each stage of the supply chain. These results are shown at a component and supplier level for each product.

Users are easily able to break down footprints at each life cycle stage which can help when reviewing Scope 1 -3 impacts for measurement and reporting.

Visualize your footprint in a way that follows Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) and ISO standards and complies with global regulations on environmental claims.

We ensure that for each process, the entirety of a component’s footprint is considered. This includes water usage, fuel consumption, electricity consumption as well as outputs such as wastewater effluents and carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.

As your supply chain evolves, the system allows you to create different iterations of your footprint and account for variable factors including transport or geographical region that may impact the results of the footprint.

A Green Story rating system provides you with performance scores on accuracy and reliability:

  • The accuracy rating of a product is associated with supply chain data entered by users from brands and suppliers.

  • The reliability rating is based on the verification of suppliers, product claims and certification.

Explore the next module

Optimize Product LCAs

Quantify and efficiently manage the environmental impact of your products across the entire life cycle

Supply Chain Transparency

Enrich your supply chain data. Effectively map and manage your supply network to achieve transparency

Impact Contributions

Add a sustainable contribution to the customer purchase experience

Start supercharging your green claims today